Motivate Yourself to Work-Out Using a Pedometer Watch

Are you struggling with your work out routine? Do you find that instead of going outside for your daily job you choose to sit on the computer and surf the internet about easy ways to lose weight? Well, let me be blunt: there is no easy way to lose weight. You have to have a sustained exercise effort in order to make any progress and if you aren’t out there running you aren’t doing a good job.

There are a few things that can help you to stay focused and motivated in your work out routine and one of them happens to be the pedometer watch. A pedometer watch turns your running routine into a hard mathematical calculation. It shows you exactly how many steps you took during the course of the day and you can use those numbers to track your progress over time.

Most people tend to start working out and constantly monitor their weight. They jump on the scale once a day and either get really happy or really sad to see that there is very little change happening. Weight loss takes a sustained effort over an extended period of time and it’s not going to happen over night. For that reason it gets kind of tough to stay motivated if you’re focusing on your body weight. Instead, use the pedometer to focus on a number that will constantly be rising: your steps! As you work out your step count will rise and you can keep adding to it every day of the week.

Do your best to match and exceed the previous days step count so that your number is constantly on the rise. Have fun with it and make a sort of game out of it. If you don’t make par or get ten steps over your previous day, well you’ve lost the game and need to do twice the work the next day to keep up. If you can beat each day with a higher step number then you are scoring more points and will be winning the game. Reward yourself for the wins and punish yourself for the losses.

Nothing beats friendly competition for motivation. Using a pedometer watch you can partner with a running buddy and really see how each of you guys match up against each other. You don’t have to run side by side, you can run in different places and then come back to each other over a glass of water and see how many points each of you got during the work out.

Pedometers are great for tracking your progress and we all know that if you create attainable goals and then monitor your progress as you try to attain them you will find that you reach them that much faster. At the beginning of the work out you should have the goal of running 1,000 steps a day. Start off small and keep track of your steps every day and keep trying to raise them up. Eventually you will find it is really easy to run that much.

There are so many ways a pedometer watch can be creatively used to motivate you and get you into tip top condition. Pretty soon you’ll be running marathons and doing track and field and you’ll wonder where all of those couch potato days went. Buy a pedometer watch today and get started on a really fun work out regimen.

Larry has all sorts of information on stuff like the timex pedometer watch and loves talking about working out using pedometer watches.