Acne-Free Skin Diet

As most of us can recall from our childhood, our parents constantly warned us against consuming too much chocolate as we could get acne. Skin care experts have vehemently denied that any link exists between diet and acne. However, evidence is accumulating that suggests an indirect relationship exists between food preferences and the development of acne.

Personal anecdotes have confirmed that certain foods trigger breakouts in some. For one person it may be peanuts, while for another dairy products. Are we to dismiss these accounts as fabrication? Most likely not. If we have learned anything from treating diseases throughout history, its that multiple factors are always involved. Although no direct link is present, it makes sense to address this issue as it could mean a drastic reduction in breakouts. Remember, we don’t always respond the same to treatments, so some may see immediate and drastic relief from a small change in diet.

Most of us know that processed foods are bad for our health. Nearly 100% of our modern diet is based on such foods, which largely contain simple carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are converted into sugar by our body, which makes its way to our bloodstream. Our body begins to overproduce the hormone known as testosterone, which is responsible for regulating oil production. The end result of all of these factors is more acne breakouts. For most of us, getting away from processed foods seems like a nightmare. The health benefit is tremendous, however, not only in treating acne but in also deterring the development of other disorders such as diabetes. It would be advisable to slowly wean off of these foods until you are no longer dependent on them to appease your appetite.

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There are some who will continue to refuse that any relationship exists between acne and diet. If you are one of these people, you should test the theory yourself. You really have nothing to lose but a number of health problems possibly awaiting you in the future. Acne prevalence has skyrocketed every since processed foods have taken over the American diet. Begin a healthy diet today and your complexion is not all that will look flawless!

Futher info on food choices and acne pimples and how to get rid of pimples with prevention is located on our site.