Ed J Price

Nike Triax C8 Heart Monitor Review

Nike is one of the biggest brand names in sports wear and sporting equipment. Based in the United States of America, they are the biggest manufacturers and suppliers of athletic apparel and shoes. They have used high profile sports stars and celebrities over the years to market their products. For instance, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Le Bron James and countless others have at one stage or the other endorsed the brand name Nike. With their experience and commitment to quality, the Nike Company has ventured into the heart rate monitor market. Here, they are revolutionizing the industry with innovative designs and technology. One such Nike heart rate monitor that has become a favorite amongst health and fitness enthusiasts is the Nike Triax C8 Heart Monitor Watch.

Considering the Polar RS200SD

Are you in a place where you think that you may be interested in what a Polar RS200SD heart rate monitor can do for you? The truth of the matter is that many people who find that they are interested in keeping track of how their bodies are doing and how a good exercise session affects them discover that the Polar RS200SD heart rate monitor is an impressive tool for them to use. When you want to make sure that you are getting everything out of your workout that you can, make sure that you think about what it can do for you.