Rickey Henolap

Natural Cures for Mononucleosis

Mononucleosis is a viral infection which effects your white blood cells. The virus called the kissing disease has been present for many generations. The virus is contracted through saliva. The use of sharing utensils, glasses, or lipstick can contain saliva as well as kissing.
Some of the symptoms are fatigue, headache, sore throat and possibly pain in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. The part of the abdomen is your spleen, which filters your blood that contains the virus. You may notice when it is hard to swallow it may be affecting your lymph glands.
Simple blood tests will test for this virus. Seeing white spots in your throat and the doctor feels an enlargement of your spleen or lymph glands he will order several natural solutions that will assist on your road to recovery.
Recovery will be different for patients. This is a virus and does not respond well to antibiotics.