Jason McDonald

Everyone has the potential to save money. One of the ways to do this is by banking wisely, which the likes of Robert Jain can attest. Not only will this allow you to build a substantial account over time, but it will teach you how to invest in the future. How much do you truly know about banking, though? With […]

It’s been said that anywhere between 25 and 30 percent of Americans worry about money. This makes sense, as we tend to focus on making our payments and covering our bills on a regular basis. Such an endeavor can be easier said than done, though, especially when depression rears its ugly head. Yes, many people develop depression as a result […]

Stuart Millheiser: What Is The Steve Gleason Act?

For those who are sports fans, the name of Steve Gleason may be familiar to you. To the uninitiated, Gleason played football for the New Orleans Saints, known mostly for his game-winning punt stop in 2006. As time went on, though, his health deteriorated and it was confirmed that he had ALS. This is where I’d like to discuss the Steve Gleason Act, and why the likes of Stuart Millheiser put so much weight into such a potentially beneficial change.