Best Garden Soil

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You need nutrients in order to get beautiful healthy plants. Nutrients won’t be available to your plants if the soil is depleted and the plants won’t grow if the soil is full of rocks and clay. You need to have excellent soil in order to have plants that grow strong and healthy.

When you sow the seeds in planter trays, use a good potting soil. You don’t need to add any fertilizer at this point because you will be transplanting the seedlings soon anyway.

Before you transplant the seedlings, cultivate the soil. You need to break up all the clumps and remove all the rocks, roots, and clumps. Use gardening tools to help you such as a cultivator, hoe, pickax, and shovel.

A garden hoe can be used to further chop up and break down the clumps. You want to break up the soil as much as possible. Use a cultivator to help break up the rest and rake out the rocks and roots.

When you have your soil and pot completely prepared, you will need to fertilize it. You can add some high quality fertilizer or cow manure. There are a large variety of fertilizers available. Use organic if you want to keep your fruits and vegetables organic.

It is also a great idea to start a compost pile. In the fall, rake up all your leaves and add it to your compost. In your kitchen, add all your food scraps, eggshells, and other things to a compost and then to your compost. Eventually this will all break down and turn into a very nutrient rich soil.

If you aren’t sure if your soil has enough nutrients, get the soil tested. You can get a kit and do it yourself then send it to a lab. You won’t have to worry about your soil because you can adjust the nutrients according to the test.

You might be surprised how important your soil is in your garden. It can be the difference between thriving plants and shriveled dead ones. Dont overlook your soil, it is very important!

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