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How can cheap baby clothes be better for your baby? The answer is quite simple, by spending less on cute trendy baby clothes there will be money left over to buy something which will help your child’s educational development . . . . books. Research has shown that introducing books to babies at a young age helps develop their language, communication skills and their overall learning.
Experts will tell you that talking with your baby from birth helps with their brain development and helps them learn. Any time the baby is awake is a great time to talk to them but when feeding them it is a great time for them to learn the rules of conversation even though they cannot talk back to you.
Although you may not realize it, just by talking to your baby about the everyday things that are going on you are teaching him the art of conversation and communication. One of the best times for talking to your baby is while you are feeding him. Even if you are bottle feeding him, always hold him and talk to him.
Your baby’s first “conversations” with you mostly take place when you are feeding him. The pauses in his sucking correspond to him taking a turn in the conversation. As he gets older the pauses in sucking will be filled with coos as he responds to you. Always hold your baby when you feed him and talk to him, remembering to leave gaps so he can “talk” to you.
If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your baby then how about singing to him? The sound of your voice reassures him and lets him know that you are still there. But the most important thing is to communicate with your baby to help him develop the skills he will need as he gets older.
So build on that – start reading to your baby from as young as six weeks old. Babies and children love rhythm so simple books with a rhyming text are very suitable. Favorites such as Goodnight Moon, Guess How Much I Love You and The Very Hungry Caterpillar are great early readers. Not only are you introducing your baby to the early reading skills but teaching them the concept of counting, numbers and the names of things in their world.
Singing and reciting nursery rhymes helps children develop reading skills and they also help in the development of motor skills. Action rhymes such as Row, Row, Row, The Boat or Incey Wincey Spider and This Little Piggy are a few to try but there are many more. And to calm things down singing a lullaby like Hush Little Baby and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star usually work wonders.
The more time you spend with your baby talking, singing and reading with them the more you are helping development for future learning. Not only are you increasing your child’s vocabulary but you are teaching valuable communication skills.
So you see by buying cheap baby clothes and perhaps spending more on books for your baby you are making an early start on their education.