Daily Archives: April 25, 2009

Cheap Baby Clothes And Books

How can cheap baby clothes be better for your baby? The answer is quite simple, by spending less on cute trendy baby clothes there will be money left over to buy something which will help your child’s educational development . . . . books. Research has shown that introducing books to babies at a young age helps develop their language, communication skills and their overall learning.

Is Facebook Bad for Our Health?

At a time when information is available at the click of a mouse, and webcams that allow us to speak with relatives halfway across the world, the internet is often praised for making our lives easier. Social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook, and the BBCs myCBBC become wildly more popular over the past few years, generally to great avail. Facebook, however, has recently come under fire from psychologists, health experts, and even biologists, who claim that spending so much time talking to people online is having a negative impact on our health.