Did You Know That You Can Exercise When You Are Pregnant?

Before we even get into this, you should speak to your obstetrics/gynecologist first to let them know that you are going to start exercising, or that you are continuing to exercise while you are pregnant. The first trimester for every baby is extremely important, and this is the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Make sure when you are exercising that your heart rate does not go above 140 beats per minute and make sure that you do not get to hot while exercising.

Let’s start with a popular one: Kegel Exercises. It’s not a cardiovascular exercise to say in the least, but a very crucial one. There are many benefits of these exercises including strengthened perineal muscles, control of your muscles during labor and delivery, as well as later, you will have minimal bladder leaks and minimal hemorrhoids. How great is that?

Kegel Exercises are also great because you don’t need a gym membership for them! By strengthening these pelvic floor muscles, your bladder control will be fabulous and you will feel much better about that!

Lets talk swimming. A fabulous way to exercise and very easy on the joints and relaxing for your back. You and the baby can both float (obviously, the baby will float in his/her own water) and just enjoy it. And if you want to look fabulous, go and get a new maternity swimsuit. Then you can feel as good as you look.

Walking is something that a lot of expecting women enjoy doing for a exercise. And, when you do have a schedule, you can continue this same schedule after the baby is born. Always check with your physician if you want to do anything extensive. Remember to wear comfortable clothing and footwear. Try to start slow, and then work your way up from there.

Biking is a fabulous way of exercising. You sit on a bike, which supports all of your weight and so there is little to no stress on your joints. If you are afraid of falling, try a stationary bike. Remember, as your belly grows, your balance might be a little off, so be extra careful when you are biking then.

Yoga is a popular choice, especially since it is very calming and relaxing. Most women will go to a special Yoga class, designed for expectant women. You can find those classes in your local gym or even look them up in the phone book. Yoga is a great stress reliever, and it is fabulous on the joints. And you can look great doing yoga too, so go shopping!

Pilates classes are lovely for when you are pregnant. It is an excellent way to keep in shape, and it is also known to be very helpful when you give birth to your little one. Just avoid lying on your back to much, as well as over stretching.

If you have been running previously or doing other high cardiovascular (heart rate) aerobics, it is okay to still do them, just at a lower key because you had done them before you were pregnant. Just inform your care provider that you are continuing with your previous routine.

If you do attend a gym, it is recommended that you be careful not to get your heart rate to high, so just use the monitors on the machines. If you question certain machines, check with your care provider- no question is a bad one.

Exercises to avoid would be anything to do with skiing (whether water skiing or downhill). If you fall, it can cause serious abdominal damage. If you like horseback riding, unfortunately it is not recommended as well because of the bouncing around, which can cause a lot of damage. Your doctor will also have a couple of things that he/she does not recommend you doing, so please listen because it could cause you your health or the health of the baby.

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1. A great bra that gives you support is a good start.

2. Wear comfortable clothes.

3. Shoes that fit and are comfortable are very important, especially when you are pregnant.

4. Drink lots of fluids and keep your body hydrated.

5. Keep breathing, don’t hold your breath.

6. Keep your exercise steady, you don’t want your heart rate to high.

7. Make sure you stretch! Don’t stretch lying down on your back. Do this standing or sitting. It is not recommended by doctors to do ab exercises lying down either, so check with your care provider please.

8. If you think something is wrong (you are dizzy, you have cramping, bleeding, shortness of breath, or anything like that) stop what you are doing right away. If you are unsure what is wrong, please contact your doctor.

Always remember to be careful, but enjoy your exercising, and enjoy being pregnant. Time passes by way to fast.

About The Author: Anna Snyder is a young mother of 3 who has a growing interest in pregnancy and maternity field. For great nursing and maternity clothes, check out her site My Maternity Clothing to find a great selection, everything you need for pregnancy and beyond.