How Contagious is the Swine Flu?

According to the World Health Organization, WHO, there is a state of public health emergency of international concern with the strain of influenza known as the swine flu. Over 100 deaths have occurred in Mexico, and there are five states reporting cases. What exactly are we facing, and should the individual be concerned?

The swine flu spreads through a cough or a sneeze, and in that fast sometimes involuntary action there are droplets of water and mist released into our surroundings. Since many people do not isolate themselves when they feel the onset of the flu there is little we can do to control the spread.

Does the swine flu mean that we should avoid eating pork? No, that is not the case. There is no concerns about using pork products in your diet, other than the reminder to cook your pork products properly and thoroughly.

What is the best way to avoid contracting swine flu? Great question! Proper hygiene is always a good course of action. Wash your hands often, toss those used tissues, and cover when you sneeze or cough. If you are a caretaker of someone with the flu you may want to use a basic mask as a precaution. But lets get realistic. Airborne viruses are tough to beat.

You might want to contact your doctor if you have these symptoms: unusual fatigue, headache, a runny nose, aching body, coughing, and a high fever. Treatment is the same as for any other flu outbreak.
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Many of us choose to get flu vaccines each year, but the bad news is the shot you received this year does not cover the swine flu. Each year the health authorities have to choose which vaccine to produce, and it takes at least six months for a new vaccine to be developed.

We are only beginning to see the effects of swine flu, and the future is uncertain. The bird flu resulted in over 250 deaths in twelve countries, and killed millions of birds. Is there any hope in defending ourselves from the swine flu?

What can we do, as individuals, to protect ourselves and our families from the viral outbreak of the H1N1 swine flu? Eating a healthy diet may seem like a solution, but building our immune system takes time, too long to avoid this seasons outbreak. Instead we can turn to other measures, directing our focus on diminishing the power of the virus before it takes hold, or using anti-virus foods and supplements to fight any virus that may have already entered the body.

Water purification drops have been used for decades to treat water resources and reduce mold and mildew, such as the mildew cleanup after hurricane Katrina. Learn more about the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide in its many applications in our home and our health. Swine flu is a virus, and we can fight back with a powerful anti-virus water treatment program.