Discover How You Can Deal with Acne During Pregnancy

Not only is acne rampant and has devastating effects in adolescents but women also has acne during pregnancy and affected equally. According to research 85% of adolescents and pregnant women develop acne at some stage. Acne which is also known as acne valgaris develops as a lesion of pimples across the face mostly but in other cases can affect the chest, shoulder, back and or upper neck. Research showed that many sufferers develop acne at the beginning of their adolescence-teenage and some into the adulthood. Acne is also known by various names. Common ones being zist, blackheads, blemishes, pimples, spots and of cause the widely used acne.

Why is there a high prevalence of acne during pregnancy and adolescence? What commonly causes acne in the first place is the blockage of follicles. During pregnancy and adolescence there is raised hormonal changes due to puberty and menstrual cycle developments and or changes, the follicle produces excess sebum which in turn clogs or blocks the follicles which in turn causes acne.

Does acne during pregnancy and in adolescence have any effect to sufferers? Studies conducted show that most people have an increased production of male sex hormons at puberty. Beacuse of the increased hormonal production the follicle glands tend to enlarge resulting in more sebum being produced which in turn clogs the follicles. Pregnancy is also a time when an increased hormonal changes occur which in turn will cause acne in the same manner as mentioned. In some people acne first develops during teenage years but many women have acne during pregnancy?

Acne affects people physically by scarring or disfiguring their skin. Apart from scarring, acne can have negative psychological effects such as low self-esteem in some individuals due to body image disturbance. As has been discussed acne during pregnancy and puberty comes at a time when sufferers tend to be already socially insecure. Aside the psychological effects of low self-esteem, as has been reported (according to one study), social exclusion, bullying by peer, depression, and suicide have been noted as secondary to the low esteem.

In a study conducted some people reported experiencing low self-esteem and lack of confidence in social setting due to the body image disturbance caused by acne. More so acne during pregnancy and in adolescence comes at a time when there is great desired to fit in or to feel good and acceptable. A time when sufferers tend to be already socially precarious. there have been reported other secondary effects self-esteem reported in the study included, social exclusion, peer bullying, depression, and even suicide.
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What treatment options are available on the market for treating and preventing acne during pregnancy? There are many treatments acclaimed for the prevention and treatment of acne. But not all are safe. So what really makes acne treatment really safe during pregnancy?

What’s safe to treat acne during pregnancy is what has be tested and proven so. A study carried out by the revitol showed that a very insignificant changes were evident in a trial carried out using a range of the most widely acclaimed products. More so the changes were over a considerable longer time than they promise.

For you to decide on what product to treat acne during pregnancy with you need to be well informed whats safe what is not. Some products’ performance are over praised. This was proved in a study carried out by one of the top brand in the industry revitol. It was discovered that a lot of products do not perform to their acclaimed mark. Visit acne during pregnancylearn more

Irene Jacobs is a skin care consultant and researcher. Before you buy any skin care product online, make sure you check her excellent free report on treating acne during pregnancy acne during pregnancy Don’t reprint this exact article. Instead, reprint a free unique content version of this same article.