Jack Russell Terrier Training Advice for New Dogs

If you intend to take home a new jack russell terrier, then you are most likely aware that one thing this particular breed needs the most is jack russell terrier training. While high quality dog food is vital in nurturing a healthy dog, know that they do need physical activities and mental challenges too – hence the need for training. Apart from that, a reliably trained dog is easy to control so he is less likely to get himself, or anyone around him, in trouble.

Jack russell terriers are intelligent breed but that does not always mean that they can figure things out by themselves. They still ought to go through training to grasp what behaviors are accepted and what to avoid. To get in the right path, start jack russell terrier training as soon as you bring your new pet home. Training at this time does not need to include any form of complex or advanced lesson but rather, on helping your pet adapt to the new environment he is in. Give him time to get used to household stuff and daily scenes. If you have other pets in the house, make sure that they’re introduced properly to avoid issues from arising.

This stage is also the best time to begin house training. If you brought home a puppy, bear in mind that puppies have limited control of their bladder and bowel hence they must eliminate more often than adult dogs. To avoid accidents, take your puppy at the area you specified every hour or so to eliminate. Reward him with treat or praise for doing his business at the right spot. This method can also be employed when potty training a grown dog.

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When training your new dog, do not force him to learn everything immediately, instead, give him time to learn and adapt.

Gillian Butler offers online Jack Russell Terrier training resource to help you train your pet better. Visit her site to find more Jack Russell Terrier training tips.