Keeping Yourself from Getting Injured During Workouts

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From some trainers ‘No pain, no gain’ really means ‘you should feel some pain’. While mild discomfort is to be expected, especially for those just beginning a new fitness routine, pain is a natural warning sign. Pay attention to it.

Getting into a regular workout does the body a lot of good. It will be difficult at first. But as the muscles grow accustomed to being used more frequently, it is developed and becomes stronger. It takes time and perseverance to achieve your exercise goals.

It is always wise to consult an expert. Incessant pains, aches, and soreness could mean you are doing something wrong. Your technique might be incorrect or you are might be over-extending the use of some muscles or worse, you have a medical problem that needs immediate attention.

The progression of any exercise program depends on a lot of conditions — age, experience, prior exercise routines, and overall fitness. Work on your own pace. It is safer to work up your pace slowly. Be sure to warm up before proceeding on any workout routine. Muscles should be flexed and lubricated before use. Many strains and muscle injuries arise from improper warming up and stretching.

Warm-ups should take at least 15 minutes and include very gentle jogging in place or jumping jacks to get the cardio and lung systems working well. They should include some slow, gradual stretching to get joints lubricated and muscles relaxed and gently lengthened. Warm-ups that are too short can easily lead to stretched or torn cartilage that takes a long time to heal.

It is always good to deal with qualified and dependable trainers. They are equipped with the know-how to properly guide you. They can devise the proper workout especially for you and your needs.

Every person committed to fitness will want to push him or herself to achieve excellence. But an attitude that leads to overdoing it is counter-productive to your goal. You’re working to improve or maximize health and overall body tone and strength – not proving you are ‘mentally tough’.

Get expert advice before doing any new routine or exercise. This is to get the correct form and technique. Many injuries arise from improper warm up and doing the exercise incorrectly. Do not be afraid to ask help from an expert. If you do not know the proper use of a certain machine, do not be afraid to ask. The experts are there precisely for this reason — to teach proper technique and show you how to use exercise machines correctly.

Scout your surrounding before beginning your workout. You do not want to crash against the wall or bump into somebody while you do your routine. Eyeball the area where you jog. Know the terrain and surface condition. Watch out for cars and other people around you. Be aware of your surroundings and keep your reflexes active.

Pace yourself when you workout; start with the basics and easy routines, slowly progressing to the more advanced and complex ones. This should keep you away from injuries. Many exercise buffs find themselves quitting their workouts because of injuries. You do not want this to happen. Doing the exercises slowly, pacing yourself, and working up on the difficulty levels will ensure a safe and productive workout regimen for you.

Exercise some common sense by asking questions, seeking advice, and not forcing your body beyond its limits. At the end of the day, this is the only way to stay healthy.

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