Making Dietary Changes

Some people like Diet Coke. Some people don’t notice the difference between Fat Free Mayonaisse and regular. Some don’t even notice the smell of freshly baked cookies straight from the oven when they walk in the front door of their own home. But these people aren’t normal! Never try to fool yourself into thinking that a lack of taste buds, or the inability to take pleasure in the world around you through all five of your senses is the norm.

Most of the general public really would prefer to indulge in the full calorie version of classic Coca Cola rather than the zero calorie versions that are now accessible. Cola has actually become one of the iconic symbols of the American lifestyle; like baseball and Apple Pie. Why is that? It’s because most of us LIKE to eat Apple Pie and drink soda. It tastes good. And for a large portion of the public something that tastes good is enjoyable. The question then becomes…should we try to remove something from our lives that brings enjoyment?

Weight is a big issue in today’s society. And that makes the question of cutting out foods that bring enjoyment one that can have some difficult answers. Sometimes cutting out pleasurable activities is necessary to avoid negative health ramifications. And foods are no different. To make the process of “cutting out” some of the good (or more specifically, yummy) stuff many people are turning to homeopathic HCG.

The HCG drops are easy to administer (3 times daily) and the diet’s rules are easy to understand. You’re allowed 500 calories per day. You’re limited to a select group of food items so there’s no confusion as to what is allowed and what isn’t. There are no easy justifications that will leave the dieter despairing at the end of the day because they’ve absolutely destroyed all the progress they’ve made in the past week.
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Simplicity makes it easy for dieters to lose the weight because it’s pretty hard to rationalize a break to the rules. When an HCG dieter breaks the rules they can’t easily allow themselves to justify it because there’s no room for justification when the list of foods in so short and the number of calories is so limited. And the unique physiological qualities of HCG means that the body is not causing the dieter to suffer intense hunger pangs that insist the diet be broken.

HCG dieters lose the weight. Most lose approximately one pound per day. After the weight loss program, dieters are asked to go through a maintenance phase during which their body is able to adjust to a higher amount of calories per day with additional foods added to the food list. The nature of the diet allows dieters who get “enjoyment” from their food to learn to make some changes to the basic foods that they depend on from day to day. And this makes it much easier for them to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Amelia Handley studied exercise science at university with a minor in Nutrition. Yet she still found herself veering from diet to diet trying to control her size. With HCG Diet Direct she’s found a program that allows her to combine her desire to control her own body weight with her education and not feel off balance.