homeopathic hcg

VLCD or Very Low Calorie Diet…It’s Tough

VLCD or very low calorie diet is a terrifying concept for any dieter. It’s not a term that is thrown around loosely and applied to just any diet. When something is referred to as VLCD or very low calorie diet…it’s pretty extreme in the calorie limitation department. But it’s no longer something to strike terror in the hearts of potential dieters.

Making Dietary Changes

Some people like Diet Coke. Some people don’t notice the difference between Fat Free Mayonaisse and regular. Some don’t even notice the smell of freshly baked cookies straight from the oven when they walk in the front door of their own home. But these people aren’t normal! Never try to fool yourself into thinking that a lack of taste buds, or the inability to take pleasure in the world around you through all five of your senses is the norm.