Real Estate Investing Advice for Novice Investors

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More and more people today are trying their hand at real estate investing which means that more and more people are also seeking real estate investing advice. There are many places from books to courses to seasoned gurus where you can find real estate investing advice, and depending on the type of investing you plan to do all or some of these sources are good places for you to find the real estate investing advice you need to be successful. No matter what type of real estate investing you plan on doing there is some blanket advice that can help you to make the biggest return on your investment.

One of the best pieces of real estate investing advice for any novice investor is to know the difference between speculating and investing. Buying a house or piece of land without much research and hoping or expecting it to rise in value over time is speculating. Most properties will build you equity and increase in value over time if you do noting more than let it sit, but this is not always the case and is why you should always remember this important real estate investing advice, don’t speculate, invest. Buying a property with the intention of making a profit from rent, reselling, or another source is investing. Before you invest, however, there is some more real estate investing advice that you should consider.

No matter how motivated you are, if you are just starting out in the world of real estate investing the best real estate investing advice for you to consider is to start small and close to home. Residential properties are the easiest properties to buy and although they do require you to have knowledge of taxes, fees, and the buying process, the process of buying residential is much easier than getting into commercial real estate, condos, or apartment buildings. You should also try to start your investing career close to your home so that it is easy for you to monitor your investment and learn the ins and outs of the real estate investing business.

There is no shortage of real estate investing advice out there, and if you are just starting out you must be able to discriminate between quality advice and truthful estimates and advice and estimates that are not in your best interest. It is not a good idea to believe everything you hear, especially if you are trying to determine how lucrative a property deal will be. Don’t go off of what a homeowner or realtor says the current and predicted market value of a home is, do your own research about the area to determine this.

If you are looking into buying a rental property not all landlords will be honest with their earning and may promise you more than they actually make. Ask for proof such as tax forms to determine how much income a property generates in a year. Not everyone is out to pull one over on you but enough people are that you should always do your own research and thinking.