
A Story About Fences

Speaking of naked and exposed, I am assuming that there is a possibility that these people are – in addition to the BIG fencing – fencing that surrounds the lower part of their personal property. Yeah? Why? Do they not trust their neighbors, which are dependent on the division of community safety? Maybe you are not certain that the fence is really BIG big enough to do its job? Or maybe they want the privacy of their personal enclosure that really allow them to be … ahem … Not so naked and exposed in the comfort of your garden.

A Pet Fence: Keeping Your Dog from Danger

Many pack animals, such as dogs, tend to chase after things in movement, which can lead to injuries, harm, or even death. Any person that owns a dog has a responsibility to keep it inside his or her property to protect it from harm, and the best way to do this is by getting a pet fence.

Why Fences, Decks, Post Caps and Finials work in Concert

Most people look at fences and decks as necessary items to complete their backyards but see post caps as purely decorative. While this view is understandable, it is wrong. What would be a better thing to ask is this; why would anyone invest the money to build a fabulous fence and deck and not do the one thing that could help guarantee that investment would last?