fitness equipment

Used Treadmill Buying Guide

So you have come to the decision that it is time you bought some exercise equipment. But which one do you go for? Well the most popular happens to be a treadmill. With treadmills costing up to $5000 it can be difficult to find one that suits your budget. That’s why a used treadmill is a good idea. This guide will help you find the right treadmill for you. It will also help you to gain enough confidence to buy from a direct seller. So why not study the guide and get searching today?

Omega Massage Chairs Administer Enjoyable Massage Therapy

The advance of technology in massage chairs continues to evolve rapidly. The feature sets continue to grow and most chairs provide full body capability. One company has maintained terrific features and effective massage therapy. Omega Massage, Inc has consistently brought a series of excellent chairs. The chairs have been solid and with long term effective massage therapy.

Nike Triax C8 Heart Monitor Review

Nike is one of the biggest brand names in sports wear and sporting equipment. Based in the United States of America, they are the biggest manufacturers and suppliers of athletic apparel and shoes. They have used high profile sports stars and celebrities over the years to market their products. For instance, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Le Bron James and countless others have at one stage or the other endorsed the brand name Nike. With their experience and commitment to quality, the Nike Company has ventured into the heart rate monitor market. Here, they are revolutionizing the industry with innovative designs and technology. One such Nike heart rate monitor that has become a favorite amongst health and fitness enthusiasts is the Nike Triax C8 Heart Monitor Watch.