
External Hemorrhoid Treatment

External hemorrhoids affect millions of people all over the world, but what are they and what is the best way to treat them? Swollen areas in the rectal and anal area are called hemorrhoids. These areas are often painful and they itch, burn and bleed; this causes the person to suffer a lot of distress due to the hemroids. You should always consult a certified doctor for external hemorrhoid treatment to ensure you are dealing with hemorrhoids before commencing treatment.

Hemorrhoid Treatment That Works

Friction around the anus can cause some veins to swell and become inflamed; causing what is commonly known as hemorrhoids. A condition faced by people all over the world, with many suffering in silence because of lack of treatment knowledge or embarrassment. However, hemorrhoid treatment is simple and effective most of the time.

Hemorrhoid Prevention During Pregancy ” What you Should Do

In the general population, more than 1 in every 20 people suffer from hemorrhoids. In pregnant women this number increases significantly. Carrying the extra weight of a baby as well as other changes that the body goes through during pregnancy cause the veins in the rectum to swell which ultimately leads to hemorrhoids.