Daily Archives: January 25, 2009

The Dirty Truth about Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

Prolapsed hemorrhoids are a form of internal hemorrhoids that have fallen down and are poking out of the anal canal. They can often be confused as being external hemorrhoids because they are in fact partially external in nature. Protruding hemorrhoids usually appear as a red lump of inflamed tissue.

Initiate the Day Spa Therapy at Home from Massage Chairs

I don\’t know about you, but with the state of the economy and the state of my economy, I just can\’t do all the things I used to do. I really enjoy getting a masseuse to work out my knots, tensions and aches. I am just not finding the time nor have the disposable income as before. I really want to get some massage treatments periodically and I love the calming music, comfort and relaxation that come with the whole experience. But like everything, we have to find practical means to get what we want. One effective alternative is a massage chair recliner.