
Radio Controlled Boats Offer Good Clean Fun

There is a lot of enthusiasm surrounding the use of radio controlled model kits. Some of this enthusiasm seems to be a little unilaterally focused since many people clearly see the benefits of radio controlled planes, cars, and helicopters but don’t give boats the praise they deserve. It is unfortunate that people don’t fully understand the pleasure that operating radio controlled boats delivers.

Seniors Day every Tuesday at Medora

It is heartwarming to know that there are organizations focused to give support to our elderly. In countries like the Philippines, they have strong family ties which make them care for their grandparents, parents or old family members until old age. There are a few Senior Nursing Homes in the Philippines and Filipinos are actually proud of that fact. It just goes to show that they are bound to reciprocate the love, care and attention that their parents gave them when they were little.

Heat Stroke Targets

The majority of victims that are usually easily affected by heatstroke are the kids and the elderly, as their adaptability to differing temperatures are usually less responsive compared to those in their prime. Those who are severely fat and obese are at also greater risk than those who are slim and fit because the body has a great difficulty dissipating the body heat through the thick layers of lipids and fat.