Industry Acceptance

EPDM Roofing The Rubber Roofing Solution

An excellent rubber roofing solution for flat roofs where inflexibility, weathering and failing joints often cause roofs to leak is EPDM roofing . If you\’ve ever struggled with a flat roof leak, or you\’re working on a flat or gently sloping roof project, you\’ll be happy to discover EPDM rubber roofing. With billions of square feet installed, EPDM has been proven to give many years of leak free service. Best of all, it\’s easy to install.

EPDM Roofing The Right Choice Rubber Roofing Solution

EPDM roofing is an excellent rubber roofing solution for flat roofs where inflexibility, weathering and failing joints often cause roofs to leak . If you\’ve ever struggled with a flat roof leak, or you\’re working on a flat or gently sloping roof project, you\’ll be excited to discover EPDM rubber roofing. EPDM has been proven to give many years of leak free service over billions of square feet installed. Best of all, it\’s easy to install.