Marriage Counseling

Success Through Determination

Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France so many times, despite the bitterness of the French press that tried to discredit him time and again, that it astonishes us. Cancer reduced him to the weakest he had ever been, but he rebuilt his body and became the unbelievable champion that he is through sheer will to live.

Christian Marriage Advice- Should You Keep Your Expectations Low?

A common complaint from many of the couples we work with is that their married life is so radically different from when they were dating. Boyfriends who used to bring bouquets and open car doors have become husbands who no longer bother, and girlfriends who used to listen have become wives who nag. What you get is a relationship in danger of failing and a lot of unhappy and unfulfilled spouses.

Fix Your Sexless Marriage – Live in a Sexless Marriage

Is your self-esteem going down the drain because you feel that you’re not attractive anymore because your spouse doesn’t want to make love with you? Do you live in a sexless marriage that makes you feel like less of a person? I understand how heartbreaking you feel at the moment. Don’t worry because you’re not the only person who’s going through this kind of problem in their marriage life. I’ll share with you some helpful tips on how can you make things work once again and make the love alive the second time around in your relationship.