Marriage Counseling

Christian Marriage Advice- Should You Keep Your Expectations Low?

A commonly heard complaint from many of the couples we work with is that their marriage is so radically different from their dating years. Boyfriends who used to open doors and pull out chairs have become husbands who no longer bother, and girlfriends who used to listen have become wives who nag. What you get is a marriage in danger and a lot of unhappy and unfulfilled spouses.

How To Deal With Abusive Emotionally

Abusive behavior may emotionally damage a person for many years. Whether the abuse is verbal or physical, it leaves scars that can not be effortlessly treated. If you know someone who has been abused, or if you have been abused yourself, you require to act. Finding the courage to do so, on the other hand, is very trying. Nonetheless, there are numerous hot lines, resources and aid accessible to those who are victims of abuse.

How To Cope With An Abusive Boyfriend

If you have an abusive boyfriend, you need to end the relationship. An abusive boyfriend will become an abusive spouse. If they’re willing to show the signs of being an abuser early in a relationship, the odds are against you. While there’re some men who have totally converted their personalities to cease abusive behavior, the vast majority of them don’t. As well, having an abusive boyfriend will damage your self esteem, and leave emotional scars that will take numerous years to ease.