Mental Health

Sleeplessness and Anxiety

Are you desperate to get a good night’s sleep but finding it impossible? Do you find yourself tossing and turning all night and when you do drift off, you wake up soon afterwards again? Is this something you’ve been experience for a few months, or do you experience these bouts every once in a while? Perhaps you’ve been having these bouts for year already but because they tend to come and go, you’ve always just battle your way through them. Well, if any of this sounds familiar, then I’m afraid that anxiety may very well be the cause of the insomnia.

Let Us Talk About Anger Disorder

Life is stressful enough for all of us without having to suffer from some kind of anger disorder on top of everything; but for many folks, that is the case. They have a hard time controlling their anger in stressful situations and as a result, suffer with other physical and mental ailments as a result of those disorders that cause even more problems.