mood disorder

How to Cure Anxiety Attacks

Worried about family problems? Maybe your dreading asking the boss for a raise or worried about bullying co-workers. These things and more can cause stress which is the normal way of dealing with the tensions of day to day life. Maybe your heart beats like a drum or your hands feel wet and clammy. This is how anxiety makes us feel. However, if your worries and fears start to interfere with your daily life you may want to take a closer look at yourself. You may be suffering from anxiety attacks!

Discovering And Understanding Bipolar Disorder

There are so many new illnesses abound the world today. Before, people used to live longer and with only a handful of illnesses. But today\’s times are very much different because of the many changes that take place. New technology, many inventions, new foods, and all the new stuff that people now enjoy seem to contribute to the many illnesses suffered by millions of people; not to mention the different day to day experiences that people encounter as they go through life.