Dietary Habits and Tooth Discoloration
Are you a religious coffee drinker, a long-time smoker or someone who is into carbonated drinks? Then you probably have noticed that your teeth are not as white as they used to be.
Are you a religious coffee drinker, a long-time smoker or someone who is into carbonated drinks? Then you probably have noticed that your teeth are not as white as they used to be.
In the Health care Industry, everyday we see the introduction of a new product in the market, in the field of cosmetology. For example, one would come across a lot of products related to teeth whitening that are being introduced into the market and invariably each of them promises of giving those dull yellow-colored teeth a new shinny look. The fact is, the market is flooded with a huge varieties of teeth whitening products, that one might even get confused in which one to use.