Excess Sebum

Facts About Acne Remedies To Know How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast Naturally

Acne is the single most common skin disease affecting mostly teenagers but it can affect anybody in any age group. It is a skin disorder which affects girls two to three years earlier than boys but there is no gender bias for this disorder and it affects almost every teenager in one form or the other. Acne has other names too which are pimples,blemishes and zits. It is estimated that 30% of teenagers suffer severe acne warranting medical intervention.

Discover How You Can Deal with Acne During Pregnancy

Not only is acne rampant and has devastating effects in adolescents but women also has acne during pregnancy and affected equally. According to research 85% of adolescents and pregnant women develop acne at some stage. Acne which is also known as acne valgaris develops as a lesion of pimples across the face mostly but in other cases can affect the chest, shoulder, back and or upper neck. Research showed that many sufferers develop acne at the beginning of their adolescence-teenage and some into the adulthood. Acne is also known by various names. Common ones being zist, blackheads, blemishes, pimples, spots and of cause the widely used acne.