
Planning And Building A Chicken Coop

Nowadays more people are returning back to the land to help support their families. For many, one of their fondest memories is the old hen house in the back yard. The concept of fresh eggs from your own hen house for breakfast is tantalizing. However, before you can kick back and enjoy these excellent eggs you need to know how to build a chicken house.

Have You Tried Cooking in Clay?

We recently ate at a friend\’s home and enjoyed a juicy roast along with fresh steamed broccoli with cheese followed with a surprisingly delicious baked apple with caramel topping for dessert. I was helping her clean up after dinner and saw that she had prepared everything in her clay cookware. This was new to me since I\’m used to the standard pots and pans I grew up with – namely made of aluminum, stainless steel, ceramic bakeware, or copper. But it turns out that clay cooking is quite popular around the world, including here in the U.S. My friend raves about her clay pots and thinks everyone should own at least a piece or two in their kitchenware collection.