healthy eating

The Story Behind Heart Disease

Nowadays, we were taught in schools, told by health-related magazines or by the media that cholesterol is the sole culprit in the clogging of the coronary arteries of those people who develop a heart problem. And the part where calcium plays a vital role in the process has been disregarded. So you may not hear the term “calcification” in any of the processes that involve clogging of the arteries no more.

Women, Want to Get Serious Results – Eat 4 to 6 Times a Day

You know that what you eat has a really big impact on how your look and the results you get from you fitness program. Well did you know that you can actually get better results by eating more. Yes, eating up to 6 meals a day is better at burning fat than eating just 3 meals a day.

How Can Banana Nutrients Help Your Health?

Bananas are considered to be one of the most nutrient rich fruits that you can eat — they are also one of the most popular fruits eaten today by people of all ages all over the globe. This combination means that few foods can have such a regular and positive impact on our health and well-being. So, let’s take a closer look at how banana nutrients can help your health.